Sunday, May 16, 2010

Land of Snipers?

Since I last wrote, Bangkok has changed a bit. The red shirts, supporters of Thaksin Shinawatra, have been camping out in Central Bangkok since the beginning of April. The peace talks with the government have broken down and now the government has moved in to disperse the 10,000 protestors from this 3 sq. km upscale are of Bangkok (My new apartment is in this neighborhood). There have been 24 deaths this weekend and 187 injuries as I write this and the fighting continues this evening. The government originally put up a sign at the checkpoint to my neighborhood that read, "LIFE" firing zone (English in Thailand is one giant word puzzle). It's since been taken down and replaced with "LIVE". Here's hoping that all 'live' through this madness.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Meet the Popcorn Lady

At 6:30pm, just as the tropical sun dips into the Chao Phraya river, we languidly soak in the evening peace at Baan Rabiang Nam (or as Farang like to call it "River Tree House"). Soon, this lady rolls up in her sweet ride and sells bags of fluffy, sugary goodness for 20 baht each. We hear the clown horn honking just before we run to the river's edge and excitedly gesture with our fingers the magic number for the evening. Tonight, six. A long pole with six perfect bags of popcorn brimming from the net on the end extend up to our eager hands... We are joyful like little children in that moment and the popcorn lady smiles wide and everything is right with the world.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Chinese New Year

"One of the most dynamic signs in the zodiac, Tigers are truly a force of nature. They are by turns dependable, unpredictable, fearless and stout-hearted, tender and loving. For all the world appearing at times to be quiet homebodies, Tigers may just as suddenly change course, and pack up to travel to some far-flung exotic destination."

Monday, February 8, 2010


Life passing and passing life on a hot afternoon in Bangkok...

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Long Live the King

The people of Thailand love themselves a king. I am reminded of the monarch every day, his image is literally everywhere. In every house, on every overpass, in every corner of Bangkok his smiling face is shining down on the people of Thailand. Even at the movie theatre there is an ode to the king, a sweet soft song sung in Thai with images of the King back in the day when he was handsome and debonaire. The entire audience puts down their tub of popcorn for a moment and stands up to respect, "Rama IX the Great" AKA.... Phrabat Somdej Phra Paramindra Maha Bhumibol Adulyadej Mahitaladhibet Ramadhibodi Chakrinarubodindara Sayamindaradhiraj Boromanatbophit พระบาทสมเด็จพระปรมินทรมหาภูมิพลอดุลยเดช มหิตลาธิเบศรามาธิบดี จักรีนฤบดินทร์ สยามินทราธิราช บรมนาถบพิตร. Thailand and their freaking long names. In fact, on a side note, the longest place name in the world is the Thai name for the city of Bangkok, which in is 163 letters long:


Some interesting facts about this revered man. According to the Guiness book of world records, he holds more honorary degrees than anyone else in the world (136). He is the worlds longest reigning monarch (64 years). He holds several patents on rain making, he was born in Boston, Massachusetts, he loves jazz music (Bangkok is full of jazz clubs as a result), he plays the piano, soprano saxophone, alto saxophone, tenor saxophone, baritone saxophone, clarinet, trumpet, and cornet. He is an author of a book about his dog (which for that, I love him the most). The king suffers from lumbar spine stenosis and just celebrated his 82 birthday. Oh yeah, anyone who is charged with insulting, or defaming him can be prosecuted. If proven guilty, the penalty is to be jailed for three to fifteen years. So now I try to say, 'long live the king' at least twice a day.

On Saturday, as I was walking through my favorite art corner of Chatachuk market, I came across these gems of our beloved King. Long live the King!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Dedicated to Michelle

The other day friend asked me what happened to my blog. I felt a rush of guilt... oh crap. I have so let you down blog! I've allowed you to collect cyber dust and I've restricted you from feeling the gentle massage of my keyboard strokes... I think it's safe to say that blogging is not my passion... if this blog had four legs and chased squirrels I would be much more attentive... Last time we saw each other, I was eating pancakes with some monks in Pattaya.... since then I saw some more monks in Cambodia, ate some tapas in Spain, went to the motherland, Italia, with a bottle of wine and my brother, watched some inkers in Bangkok, traipsed around my favorite market in Bangkok, Pak Khong Talat, and went for a sail to Ko Lan... Phewww.. I'm tired! And as I write this on my 6 month anniversary as an expat, it's clear that I'm hooked on this life...

Monday, November 23, 2009

Monks Rockin' it at Breakfast

Even monks can't resist the charms of the Hard Rock Cafe in Pattaya. Wonder if they made it to the bubble/foam party at the pool?